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Dominican News from Poland

Over the last few months, I have been working (long distance) with Dominika Krupinska of the Dominican Chant Schola Gregoriana Silesiensis (Mr. Robert Pozarski, director), and with Polish friars, helping them to begin public celebration of the Dominican Rite in Poland. I intend to publish a post on this Mass in Poland presently. Not only has the first Missa Cantata now been celebrated, they have now established a website (in Polish) dedicated to the Dominican Rite:

Ryt dominikan'ski: tradycyjna liturgia Zakonu Kaznodziejskiego has a number of interesting articles and posts. Even those who do not read Polish will find nice images and photos there. As a Western Dominican, I am honored to see that the website's banner shows one of the Solemn Dominican Rite Masses celebrated atBlessed Sacrament Church in Seattle, a ministry of the Western Dominican Province.  This banner is reproduced at the beginning of this post.  The next Dominican Solemn Mass here in the West will be at Blessed Sacrament Church will be at 7:00 on August 8, and will be sung by the Tudor Choir. More information about the music and driving directions to the church may be found at the Tudor Choir site.

I will also mention that this coming Saturday there will be a Dominican Rite Low Mass at our Holy Rosary Church in Portland at 8:00 a.m., and, as usual, a sung Dominican Rite Mass is celebrated at Holy Family Cathedral in Anchorage AK, every Sunday at 4:00 p.m.